Ponemos a tu disposición una amplia variedad de pruebas nutricionales con las que podrás conocer cómo afecta tu alimentación a tu organismo. Con los resultados podrás ajustar de forma precisa tu dieta a tus necesidades particulares y empezar a sentirte mejor.

Showing all 7 results

dietary fats

95.00 VAT included

order food at home, eat out, eat fried food, processed, precooked or industrial pastries, drinking alcohol or sugary drinks, consume little fish or plant-based foods, as well as eating sausages or meat on a regular basis... These are some of the habits with which you may feel identified in your day to day and are associated with a mismatch in the different types of fats that we obtain from the diet.

Fats are often associated with negative health effects. Nevertheless, not all are harmful, fulfilling vital functions for the proper functioning of our body. Knowing the type of fats we consume in our diet is essential to detect a possible imbalance, which is associated with an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease, depression, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, among other diseases.

Omega-3 Index

80.00 VAT included
Through a simple blood test, the Omega-3 index is determined, which is an excellent indicator for the prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Vegan profile

100.00 VAT included

Veganism constitutes, more and more often, a nutritional option in western countries. Vegan diets are generally rich in many beneficial health nutrients such as dietary fiber, magnesium, potassium, vitamins C and E, folic acid, carotenoids, polyphenols and other phytochemicals.


Nevertheless, as in any other nutritional option that excludes large food groups, strict adherence to a vegan diet has to be carefully controlled and, in some cases, supervised by a specialist, thus preventing the deficit of certain nutrients that are located mainly or exclusively in foods of animal origin.

vegetarian profile

100.00 VAT included
Vegetarianism is, more and more often, a nutritional option in western countries. Vegetarian diets are generally rich in many health-promoting nutrients such as dietary fiber, magnesium, potassium, vitamins C and E, folic acid, carotenoids, polyphenols and other phytochemicals. CHOOSING A VEGETARIAN DIET IS NOT ONLY A VIABLE DIETARY OPTION, BUT IT CAN ALSO OFFER HEALTH BENEFITS However, as in any other nutritional option that excludes large food groups, strict adherence to a vegetarian diet has to be carefully controlled and, in some cases, supervised by a specialist, thus preventing the deficit of certain nutrients that are located mainly or exclusively in foods of animal origin.

Weight management test

110.00 VAT included
ABOUT THE TEST Why do some people have greater difficulty controlling their weight?? There are multiple factors that affect weight. Between these, genetics play an important role, being able to predispose some people to gain or lose weight and conditioning other factors that also influence, like diet, physical activity, metabolism, emotional and psychological factors, the dream, etc. In this line, the study of genetic and biochemical markers has been an important advance in obtaining specific information on how these can influence the ability to manage weight and that, unlike restrictive diets or other more aggressive methods, allows us to implement more targeted measures, effective and healthy.

Weight management + diet test

180.00 VAT included
ABOUT THE TEST Why do some people have greater difficulty controlling their weight?? There are multiple factors that affect weight. Between these, genetics play an important role, being able to predispose some people to gain or lose weight and conditioning other factors that also influence, like diet, physical activity, metabolism, emotional and psychological factors, the dream, etc. In this line, the study of genetic and biochemical markers has been an important advance in obtaining specific information on how these can influence the ability to manage weight and that, unlike restrictive diets or other more aggressive methods, allows us to implement more targeted measures, effective and healthy.

Advanced Nutritional Test

245.00 VAT included

ADVANCED NUTRITIONAL TEST is the only test that combines the study of your genes and your biochemical parameters related to metabolism and nutrition, which will allow you to know your nutritional needs to achieve optimal health and prevent diseases. This comprehensive approach allows you to determine which diet is the most appropriate for you.

With a personalized diet you can achieve any of the following objectives:

  • Body weight management
  • Diet more in line with your needs
  • disease prevention
  • Detect possible deficiencies of vitamins and/or minerals